Fitness Business Canada asked Pro Fitness Program President Jeff Russo to discuss his predictions for industry trends in 2015 in its January / February 2015 issue.
Read the Fitness Business Canada article entitled The Year Ahead. In addition to Russo, it features comments from Good Life owner David Patchell-Evans and Planet Fitness Canadian Consultant Tasso Pappas. There is a similar theme in all 3 of their predictions. They all stress the importance of fitness clubs not trying to be all things to all people. Instead, clubs need to differentiate themselves from their competitors.
It becomes clear that Pro Fitness Program does just this. It provides its client clubs a clear advantage over their competitors by having a system that offers the ultimate in education, service and results. Unlike most clubs who do a poor job of onboarding their members and integrating them into the club, PFP ensures optimal member engagement and retention in addition to PT sales.