Transcend: Film Supported by PFP

Transcend: Film Supported by PFP

Transcend is a feature length documentary featuring the inspiring journey of Wesley Korir, the Boston and LA Marathon champion who risks it all to help his people in Kenya. After winning several major American races, he risks it all to return to Kenya to help Kenyans to provide better lives for themselves. He then goes one step further and takes on a well financed party candidate to run for a seat in the Kenyan Parliament and becomes the first ever active athlete to hold a seat in Parliament.

The film is produced by Michael DelMonte and Scott Montgomery. If Michael’s last name sounds familiar to you, it’s because he is the brother of industry fitness guru Vince DelMonte who was a PFP Fitness Consultant and Business Consultant and helped co author one of our training manuals for our fitness business professionals. Michael is a competitive Canadian marathon champion who has been featured in numerous running publications and combines his knowledge and passion for the sport with his talents to storytelling and filmmaking to produce what the Producer of Sea Biscuit and the Armstrong Lie calls “the greatest running film of our time”. In addition bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell, a competitive runner in his own right, is interviewed throughout the movie which includes a six minute bonus interview with him.

A portion of all proceeds for the film go to a non-profit foundation focused on giving Kenyan children opportunities to excel in athletics, education and leadership. For me, Transcend is so much more than a movie simply about running and more about the importance of overcoming obstacles and working for something that is much larger than ourselves. It’s a true story of courage, faith and the ability to transcend physical, emotional and political barriers to achieve greatness. Whether you are a business leader, sales or fitness professional or fitness club member, the lessons and values from this film will inspire and transform you.

–Jeff Russo, Pro Fitness Program Founder