Club Insider Features Pro Fitness Program

Club Insider Features Pro Fitness Program

Club Insider features Pro Fitness Program in its cover story for the October 2017 issue.  The Club Insider Article discusses the 20 year history of The Edge Fitness Business Consulting and its Pro Fitness Program.   The Pro Fitness Program is the fitness industry’s leading personal training sales and onboarding system.   It helps clubs not only increase PT Department revenue but also ensures member retention. 

As discussed in a previous edition of Club Insider, this article references River Valley Club’s success with PFP.  RVC is located in Lebanon, New Hampshire and is owned by entrepreneur Asch.  Prior to PFP, River Valley Club’s most successful year with personal training was 1999.  In that year, their total 1-1 PT revenue was $69,000.  As a result of ongoing consulting, training and following the PFP system, RVC’s current annual revenue in 1-1 PT is $ 2.2 million.  

In addition, the article interviews Pro Fitness Program founder Jeff Russo.  It outlines the history and evolution of Pro Fitness Program.  Finally, it discusses PFP’s unique Personal Training software – PFP Track.  Unlike most fitness and PT software, this software was developed by fitness business professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges faced by fitness businesses.  It’s purpose is to help manage a personal training sales business and increase PT revenue.  Although PFP Track supports Pro Fitness Program by supporting its unique pay structures, it will drastically help all PT businesses boost profits.

Our company would like to thank Club Insider founder Norm Cates for his support.